Career Profile

Gilles Lasnier is currently Head of the Research & Development at CIELE Ingénierie. CIELE is an active startup focusing on embedded solutions based on SoC FPGA and hybrid SoC FPGA/ARM architecture. CIELE is located in Paris, France.

In 2013, he was enrolled as post-doctoral researcher in the Time-Oriented criticAl SysTems (TOAST) project at the Institute for Space and Aeronautics Engineering (ISAE) in Toulouse, France.

He holds a PhD (2012) from the Telecom ParisTech engineering school and a Master degree in Computer Science from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC) - Paris VI.

His research interests are focused on model-driven engineering and programming languages to support the design of high-integrity systems, involving realtime embedded distributed systems and cyber-physical systems. In his research, Gilles applies and develops techniques and design methods around component-based software architecture, model transformation, code generation, co-simulation and model-based analysis.


Head of Research & Development

2014 - Present
CIELE Ingenierie, Paris

Visiting researcher

University of California Berkeley (UCB), Berkeley

Postdoctoral researcher

2012 - 2013
ISAE/SupAero - ONERA, Toulouse

Visiting researcher

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh


2008 - 2012
Telecom ParisTech (ex ENST), Paris

Noveocare (startup)

2010 - 2011
ParisTech Entrepeneurs, Paris

Academic Projects

I'm or I have contributed to the following open-source projects:

PtolemyII - An open source modeling and simulation tool for heterogeneous systems, developed by the CHESS team at UC-Berkeley. I have implemented the Ptolemy-HLA/CERTI co-simulation tool and the AFDX network actors (based on quantity manager and decorators).
AADL Behavior annex compiler - I have implemented the AADL behavior annex in Osate2.
AADL-HI - An AADL model-based refinement toolset to validate and generate high-integrity systems. I have developed this prototype during my Ph.D. thesis at TELECOM ParisTech, using Osate2 as front-end and the ATL framework as model-based transformation technologies (rules description, engine, etc). For recent and similar works you can consult the RAMSES tool.
Osate2 - An open source toolset to model and analyze distributed and realtime systems from AADL models, developed by the Software Engineering Institute. I have improved the annex extension mechanism, and integrated the AADL Behavior annex.
PolyORB-HI-Ada - A dedicated middleware targeting high-integrity applications and supporting AADL components.
Ocarina - A compiler for the AADL language and associated model processor (code generation, gateway to model checkers, scheduling analysis tools, etc). I have extended the compiler to support AADLv2 language.

Industrial Projects

I had or I'm contributing to industrial projects involved in different domains:

ADES - An Industrial tool platform to automatize the development, the deployment and the validation of distributed realtime and embedded systems.

Teaching and training activities

Embedded Linux

2015 - Present

Embedded System development

2008 - Present

Model-based Distributed Realtime and Embedded System Engineering

2008 - Present


Most of my publications are available here.

Skills & Proficiency

Model-based Engineering

Embedded systems development

Safety critical & Distributed systems development

Team leading/managing

Project management

Software quality